16 weeks 5 days


How far along? 16 weeks 5 days

Total weight gain: About 10 pounds

Maternity clothes? I need pants! My normal pants still fit in the legs but none of them button anymore!
Stretch marks? Nope, I don’t think they happen until later…and hopefully not at all!!
Sleep: I kind of hate sleeping these days. I love it, but hate it. I’m not supposed to sleep on my back, which I’ve always been a back sleeper so switching hasn’t been easy. I have pillows wedged up under my back but it makes no difference. I still wake up in the middle of the night and am on my back. Luckily I don’t get up to pee at all during the night, I don’t drink anything in the hour or two leading up to bedtime and I make sure I go RIGHT before I go to sleep. Not sure if this will change here pretty soon…
Best moment this week: Today is Friday!! Nothing has happened really baby-wise and it’s been a crazy week so I’m glad it’s over.
Miss anything? Not really, I love being pregnant so far. I could say I miss my occasional glass of wine after a stressful day (or week) of work, but I don’t care about that at all. If I never had alcohol again I would be perfectly fine with that.Yeah it’s fun, but it made me sick half the time anyway which makes it not so fun.
Movement: Who knows, it could just be in my head or gas or hunger or something. I’ve felt little things semi-regularly, but again, I can’t tell for sure. It’s still early, and I have an anterior placenta so I might not feel anything until later on, so I’ll wait patiently!
Food cravings: Garlic butter sauce from pizza places and gummy worms. Not together, ew. But those are the only things I felt like I REALLY wanted, didn’t HAVE to have them right that second but they just sounded so good.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I used organic coconut oil for my face throughout my whole first trimester, while I had nausea on and off, and now in my second trimester it makes me feel sick to be near it. The smell is AWFUL now. Oh and just the thought of fetuccini alfredo still repulses me because the ONE time I got morning sickness I had just eaten some. Gross.
Gender: Don’t know yet, we find out in a few weeks! 🙂
Labor signs: Nooo
Symptoms: My face is finally starting to get under control but at first it was a DISASTER. What ever happened to the pregnancy GLOW? Still waiting! I’ve always had bad skin but sheesh! Other than that, my boobs are bigger, I pee a lot, I still get sleepy easily, and this stuffy nose nonsense. That could be in part from allergies, but it’s still a pain.
Belly button in or out? Partially out! It really popped overnight and it kind of weirds me out.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time: mostly happy, i have my moments thought 🙂
Looking forward to: Finding out what we’re having so I can BUY STUFF!

EDIT: Forgot to add a bump picture 🙂
